Take Control of Your Transition & Create a Vision of the Future That You Want

Reflect · Grow · Evolve

“When shifts and transitions in life shake you to the core, see that as a sign of greatness that’s about to occur.”

- Anonymous


Meet Athanasia

As a certified professional coach, I will provide you with guidance and support to navigate the transitions in your life with clarity, confidence, and grace, discover your North Star, and emerge on a path that brings you fulfillment, joy, and meaning.

Transition ➤ ➤ ➤

Life is full of shifts and changes – big, small, planned, or unplanned. Some are easy to navigate. Others require a radical rethinking and revisualization of our lives. Transition is how we internalize the process of change – it is the inner re-orientation and self-redefinition that we must go through to incorporate change into the fabric of our lives. 

Transition can be a scary place. It can be fraught with anxiety, stress, and fear. Even the best planned and most desired changes can be challenging. As a result, we try to rush to a new place of comfort and routine – to our new normal. 

“Honor the space between no longer and not yet.”

— Nancy Levin

➤ ➤ ➤ Transformation

But between the ‘end of the old ‘and the ‘new beginning’, there is a middle ground that is rich with possibilities and opportunities. It is a fertile space for growth, re-definition, evolution, and transformation. 

I want to support you as you navigate this path, so you can enjoy the full beauty of the transition experience and get the most out of it. Together we can turn this period of uncertainty and stress into one of growth and renewal.


Take Control of Your Transition!

  • Recalibrate and reassess your life in the present moment.

  • Reconnect with your values.

  • Unearth what is truly important to you.

  • Discover what is standing in your way.

  • Connect with your purpose.

  • Envision new possibilities.

  • Gain clarity to make intentional choices.

  • Live your life to its fullest potential.

Are you ready to take the next step?

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