What Clients Are Saying

Athanasia is a phenomenal coach. She has a friendly, down-to-earth approach, which made it very easy for me to immediately connect with her and trust her. Athanasia listened deeply in every session and always supported me, no matter what I wanted to work on. I learned things about myself that I didn’t realize were keeping me from moving forward in my goals, and I didn’t think I could overcome so much in such a short period of time until Athanasia coached me. Every session helped me to gain more clarity, and to feel better about myself. Working with Athanasia for 3 months was truly a gift for me, as I gained more confidence, which is something that continues to help me in my day-to-day life. I continually reflect back to what I learned about myself and feel that I continue growing and getting better, thanks to Athanasia. I wouldn’t think twice before hiring Athanasia and working with her again.

— Carla G.

Within moments of meeting Athanasia, I knew she was the kind of coach, and person that I could fully engage with and be myself with. Athanasia is immediately present, very likeable, warm, and kind. As a person who can be hesitant to explore a challenge deeper if it means disruption or a change that will impact a relationship, Athanasia's ability to patiently hold a non-judgmental and supportive space was key to that exploration. Athanasia has a powerful intuitive sense to pick up on what is not being said and weave it into the conversation through her curiosity and powerful questions. In coaching with Athanasia, I learned more about myself and about the stories I tell myself that block my self-confidence and vision in making a career change. Athanasia helped me to reframe my future goals that were fraught with "what ifs" to an "I got this" future and a happier present. I highly recommend coaching with Athanasia. Her skill, professionalism and authentic presence are second to none. If you are looking to uncover your real potential, gain self-confidence, enact sustainable change and live a happier life, Athanasia is your best first stop on your journey.

— Missy P.

If you are ready for a life shift, you need to meet Athanasia Papaioannou.  She is a beautiful soul who makes me feel safe enough to see things I know, but can’t or don’t want to articulate, allowing me to better understand myself and to make progress on my goals.  After collaborating with her, things that I fear feel much less scary.  She is able to uncover what’s getting in my way without shame or embarrassment.  Championing me every step of the way, she is a partner who celebrates my accomplishments and who supports and encourages me when I feel challenged. Athanasia is able to hear beyond my words, finding the best opportunities for powerful questions.  It’s as if she’s been inside my head and heart forever.  If you are waiting for a sign, this is it! Contact Athanasia.

— Jeanne R.

I can’t say enough good things about Athanasia and the work that she is doing. As a transformational coach, she is really able to meet clients where they are and provides a stable foundation and safe space to be yourself. Athanasia shows up open-hearted and enthusiastic and provides a pathway to increased self-awareness and the creation of concrete life changes. I would highly recommend letting her help you in your life, wherever that may be!

— Taylor C.

I can’t recommend Athanasia enough. Working with her made me feel lighter and more clear-minded after each session. She asked me hard-hitting questions that allowed me to reflect and move forward with some important decisions I needed help making. Athanasia helped me prioritize and rank what was most important to me when looking for a job. These were strategies that I would have never done on my own. Athanasia has an engaging personality and is an incredible listener. She was very effective in nailing down my personality traits and helping me discover the things I should lean into and things I should steer clear of. In just a few sessions, Athanasia helped me clarify what I was striving for. Coaching sessions with Athanasia would be a wonderful investment and I highly recommend her as a coach.

— Chelsea W.

I came to Athanasia in need of improving my sense of “self” in my professional life. Athanasia has a wonderful gift of leading you through paths of discovery that bring your inner self to the surface. My inner self was buried under feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and low self-esteem. Gently, she made me see myself how others see me, and the impact was huge. It has translated into other areas of my life, and I feel much more comfortable in my own skin. I was able to go through my psychological “baggage” and came out much lighter. Athanasia is intuitive, compassionate, engaging, and I highly recommend her as a coach.

— Claudia N.