Hello, I’m Athanasia


I am Athanasia Papaioannou, and I specialize in guiding individuals through life's transitions. Whether you're facing career changes, personal growth, or navigating major life events, I offer personalized support to help you embrace change, discover your strengths, and thrive during periods of transformation. With a focus on empowerment and self-discovery, I am dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and create a fulfilling life ahead. Take the first step towards positive change and let's embark on a transformative experience to create a fulfilling and purposeful life ahead!

Coaching Philosophy

To live our lives to the fullest and tap into our limitless potential, we must constantly grow, learn, transition, and transform. Each of us possesses the strengths and tools to overcome obstacles, achieve goals and dreams, create a life that brings us joy and fulfillment, and THRIVE. I believe that being present in the NOW, embracing a growth-oriented mindset, cultivating deep self-reflection and self-awareness, and taking intentional action are critical practices for growth. Ultimately, we are the experts in our lives - the answers we seek are within ourselves. But sometimes, we may need a little support to tap into them.   

Professional Background 

I dedicated 15 years to higher education, where I did work to promote leadership and equity for women on campus and provided comprehensive, survivor-centered, and trauma-informed support and advocacy to survivors of interpersonal violence. Doing this work, I witnessed extraordinary strength and resilience and an incredible capacity for transformation, healing, and growth. Today, I am parlaying this extensive knowledge and experience to support my clients as they navigate transitions and make their own powerful life transformations.

I completed my coaching certification with the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), and have received my Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

My approach to coaching

I believe that every individual is naturally creative, resourceful, and whole.  I meet you where YOU are and customize your coaching experience to address your specific needs, priorities, aspirations, and desired outcomes.

 I create a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space where my clients can gain clarity and focus on their lives, explore themselves, and discover their strengths, values, and passions. We work collaboratively and creatively to generate solutions, overcome challenges, achieve goals, navigate transitions, and make powerful life transformations.

What People Are Saying

“Athanasia shows up open-hearted and enthusiastic and provides a pathway to increased self-awareness and the creation of concrete life changes.”


“Coaching sessions with Athanasia would be a wonderful investment and I highly recommend her as a coach.”



“Athanasia has a powerful intuitive sense to pick up on what is not being said and weave it into the conversation through her curiosity and powerful questions.”


“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” 

- Carl Jung

Let’s Chat!