• Coaching is the facilitation of growth and change.  It is a collaborative partnership that utilizes a thought-provoking process to inspire and motivate individuals to maximize their personal and professional potential. In the coaching relationship the client is viewed as creative, resourceful, and whole and trusted as the expert in their life.

    Coaches help clients achieve their goals through powerful conversations that are intended to cultivate a deeper understanding of self, inspire new thinking, perceptions and behaviors that actualize their potential, improve their performance, create focus and directional clarity, support the achievement of their personal and professional goals, and enhance the quality of their life.

    Coaching is a process, and it requires courage, vulnerability, and deep self-reflection. You will get out of it what you put into it. The deep growth and self-awareness that can emerge through coaching can be transformative and can lead to profound, lasting, and sustainable shifts in the way individuals approach their problems, their goals, their world, and those around them.

  • Our coaching partnership begins with an introductory investigative session (90 min) where we focus on where you are now and where you want to be. We explore your strengths, values, challenges, and goals and establish the groundwork and trajectory for our time together.

    Subsequent coaching sessions (60 min) are customized to your individual needs. As the client, you will have full control of the pace, topic, content, and goals of the discussion. As your coach I will work alongside you and utilize my skills, expertise, intuition, and effective tools to guide and support you through each session.

    During each session, I will ask you a number of powerful, exploratory questions designed to help you identify what you want to achieve and how to get there. We will uncover beliefs, attitudes, or habits that may be holding you back from making progress towards your goals and vision. We will explore your potential, leverage your strengths, and target the areas you are most interested in addressing to help you reach your goals more effectively. At the end of each session, you will commit to taking real steps towards your goals. As your coach I will encourage you, motivate you and support you to take action, stay accountable, and help you tackle problems that may present themselves along the way.

    I commit to making each coaching session a safe, supportive, and collaborative space where you can explore, reflect on, and challenge your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to gain new insights and perspectives and explore possibilities that will lead to action steps.

  • While both coaching and therapy use evidence-based techniques and intentional dialogue as the primary tools for growth and discovery, there are key differences between these services.

    Conducted by a licensed counselor or therapist, therapy approaches involve deep inner work and emphasize recovery, healing, safety, and achieving functional mental health.

    Coaching combines inner work AND real-world actions to advance from functional to optimal. It focuses primarily on the present and future and is about awareness, improvement, development, and forward movement. Coaching is advanced personal growth work for people who want to live a more conscious, mindful, and intentional life.

  • Trust is fundamental to coaching and confidentiality is your right as a client. ICF-credentialed coaches have a duty to uphold the strictest levels of confidentiality - to not disclose any information obtained during the course of the coaching relationship without the express permission of the client (unless required by law or there is a concern for your or someone else’s safety).


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