A Journey of Discovery

I did something hard last week. During my travels through the beautiful country of Peru, I hiked the Camino Inka into Machu Picchu. This challenging trek is a 26-mile, 4-day/3-night journey that traverses a wide range of microclimates and altitudes – from steep, narrow Andean Mountain passes to lush green cloud forests, and is punctuated with centuries-old Incan ruins.

This hike was demanding, and it pushed my edge - the edge of my comfort, the edge of my abilities, the edge of my boundaries. At the edge I had to turn inward, I had to trust my strengths and my abilities. I had to draw on all my resources – mental, emotional, and physical – to successfully complete my journey.

The long, seemingly endless days of hiking allowed my brain to roam, and I made a connection…. trekking to Machu Picchu is a metaphor for any journey or goal we set out to achieve in life. While the process of achieving our goals can often be challenging, the rewards (and vistas) are worth it!

Here are some reflections that got me through my journey….

Take one step at a time.

Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu once said, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

Every dream, every goal, and every journey starts with a first step. Followed by another, then another. Throughout my trek, I was able to look back and see that each individual step I took combined to create the impossibly long path that I had just traversed.  Similarly, when we are working towards a goal, it is important to focus on what is in front of us and take it one step at a time. We need to focus on the journey and trust that each step we take is leading us closer to our goal.

Mindset is key!

Having the right mindset is critical for achieving any goal. I approached the hike with a sense of adventure and openness. I was excited to explore new territory, meet new people, and push my limits. This mindset allowed me to be open to the challenges I faced along the way and to see them as opportunities for growth. Embracing a growth mindset allows us to see everything as an opportunity to grow, learn, and develop new skills.


Find your groove.

Another lesson I learned on my hike is the importance of finding your groove or pace and sticking with it. It took a little time to figure out what worked best for me. If I moved too fast, I would tire quickly and have to slow down. If I moved too slowly, I became frustrated and antsy. Eventually, I discovered my personal pace – the pace that felt comfortable and allowed me to maintain a consistent level of energy throughout the journey. Once I found my groove, I was able to stick with it and complete the hike without any issues. 

This lesson can also be applied to goal setting. If we try to do too much too quickly, we will quickly burn out and become discouraged. And if we take things too slowly, we may never reach our destination. The key is to find a balance – a pace that feels comfortable for you and allows you to maintain your focus and energy throughout your journey.


Embrace your community.

I was not alone on this journey. I did this hike with other travelers from all over the world, of all ages (including an 11-year-old – hey Dexter!), and from all walks of life. We all came together with a common goal and were able to learn from and be inspired by each other. We shared our stories and experiences, offered support and encouragement, held one another accountable, and helped each other through the tough times. We made it to the end together and now we share these beautiful memories and a powerful connection.

When we are working towards a goal, it is important to seek out the support of others. Find people who have similar goals or who have already achieved the goal you are working towards. Ask them for advice, encouragement, and inspiration. These people can help you through the tough times and offer valuable insights.


Treat yourself to little rewards along the way.

One of the things that helped me stay motivated during my hike was setting little goals along the way and rewarding myself when I reached them. For example, each time I reached the top of a steep pass, I would give myself a little treat – like a candy bar or a few extra minutes to enjoy the scenery. This helped me to stay focused and motivated, and it made the journey more enjoyable.

I’ve found that this same principle can be applied to setting and achieving goals. When we set small goals along the way, it helps us to stay focused and motivated. And when we reach those goals, we can give ourselves a little reward – something to help us remember why we’re doing this and to keep us going.


Be prepared for setbacks.

No matter how well we plan or how prepared we are, there will always be bumps in the road. Things will happen that are beyond our control, and we will have to adjust our plans accordingly. This was certainly the case during my hike, as I encountered several unexpected challenges along the way.

But what I learned from these setbacks is that they don’t have to derail our plans or our journey. We can use them as learning experiences and opportunities to grow. And, if we are prepared for them, they can make us stronger and more resilient.


 Remember, the journey is the destination.

It’s easy to get caught up in the end goal and forget about what is happening along the way. But the truth is, the journey is just as important (if not more important) than the destination. Throughout my trek, I was blown away by the natural beauty that surrounded me, the camaraderie of my fellow hikers, and my sense of accomplishment. If I had been focused solely on getting to Machu Picchu, I might have missed out on all these incredible experiences.

The same can be said for our life goals. It’s important to enjoy the process and savor every moment along the way. After all, it is the journey, not the destination, that is most important.

 So, the next time you’re feeling discouraged or doubtful about your ability to reach your goals, remember:

1. Take it one step at a time.

2. Mindset is key!

3. Find your groove.

4. Embrace your community.

5. Treat yourself to little rewards along the way.

6. Be prepared for setbacks.

7. Remember, the journey is the destination.

No matter what your goals are, remember that you can achieve them if you put your mind to it. And don’t forget to enjoy the journey. After all, that’s what it’s all about!

Happy hiking (and goal setting)!

Camino Inka July 2022


Embracing the Liminal: Lessons from Nature's In-Between