Embracing the Liminal: Lessons from Nature's In-Between

In the stillness of this chilly November morning, I sit on my back porch stoop. The brisk air swiftly chases away the last remnants of sleepiness, leaving me feeling refreshingly awake and alive. Steaming cup of coffee in hand, I take in the day as it unfolds before my eyes.

My attention is drawn to the tree in my neighbor's yard, a steadfast companion throughout the changing seasons. A light dusting of snow blankets my surroundings, casting an ethereal glow, and I bask in the gentle warmth of the rising morning sun. It's time for my morning meditation.

A soothing voice guides me. Inhale. Hold. Exhale.

The crisp air invigorates my lungs. Today's meditation comes with a touch of magic, as my breath materializes in the frigid 30-degree air, creating delicate clouds that linger for the briefest moment. My beloved tree, tentatively clinging to its leaves, beckons me to listen.

In the graceful dance between seasons, my tree is demonstrating the art of letting go. Her leaves, once a vibrant green now transformed to shades of red, orange, and gold, are gently surrendering their hold, floating gracefully to the snow-covered ground. As if on cue, a cardinal, with its brilliant red plumage, swoops through the air, creating a vivid contrast with the serene, white landscape.


In these moments, I am reminded of the beauty of transitions and the wisdom of the space in between. Life transitions can often feel monumental, overwhelming, and daunting. Yet, Mother Nature, with her boundless wisdom, generously offers us a lesson in vulnerability, openness, reflection, creativity, and transformation.


The tree, with its leaves in transition, teaches us the art of vulnerability. Sometimes, in our own transitions, we must allow ourselves to let go and shed the layers that no longer serve us. Just as the tree stands bare in winter, stripped of its leaves, there is a profound strength in vulnerability.


Openness too holds profound meaning as the tree gracefully surrenders to the shifting seasons. Embracing the ebb and flow of nature without resistance, it warmly welcomes each stage with a gentle grace. In our transitions, it's essential to embrace change with an open heart and mind, allowing it to shape us in its own beautiful way.


Reflection, much like the stillness of a winter morning, is vital. By taking the time to pause and contemplate, we gain clarity and insight into the transitions we face. It allows us to see the beauty in the subtle nuances of life.


Lastly, we must learn to embrace transformation. Just as the leaves transform from lush green to brilliant hues and then gently fall to the ground.  It's a natural part of life, serving as a reminder that we too can undergo change and flourish anew throughout every season of our existence.


As we navigate the liminal space of transition, let us draw inspiration from the tree, the cardinal, and the beauty of the in-between. There is grace in vulnerability, wisdom in openness, clarity in reflection, inspiration in creativity, and the promise of transformation. In this space, we find the profound beauty of our own journey, a testament to the endless cycles of growth and renewal that surround us in nature.

Photo Credit: Donna Osowski

“I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go.”
Jeffrey McDaniel


A Journey of Discovery